Fall 2017 Tour Announced


Fall 2017 Tour Announced

Hey guys! We're SO stoked to announce that we are going on tour this fall! Check our tour dates to see if we're coming to a city near you, and grab your tickets starting this Friday for most dates. We can't wait to see you guys!! 



Find the 3 hidden logos and win a free album for LIFE!

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Find the 3 hidden logos and win a free album for LIFE!

Hey, S3 fans! We waited a year to tell you this! Now it's time we let you in on the secret... In our Counting Stars music video, we embedded our logo into 3 different parts of the video. If you can find all 3 hidden logos, you'll win a free album (past and future) for life! It's that simple. Here's what you need to do:

1. Watch our Counting Stars music video here. 2. Write down the three timestamps where the logos are found (turn off annotations; the logo in the upper right does not count). Look carefully, and look everywhere! 3. Email the 3 timestamps, along with a description of where you see each logo on the screen (send screenshots if you want us to be certain you found them), to contest@simplythreemusic.com.

The first three fans to find all three logos win! Good luck, guys!


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