Help Support simply three!
join our Patreon for exclusive
members-only content!
Although there is no real substitute to meeting you in person, we think we have put together something really cool and special for you guys that takes the fan-to-artist connection to a whole new level.
As a thank you for your support, Patrons get exclusive rewards only available on Patreon - not available to the public!
Rewards include:
Access to exclusive Patron-only posts
Early viewing of our music videos
Your name in the credits of all of our music videos
Live stream Zoom hangout with us every month!
Exclusive behind-the-scenes content
33% coupon code for our official store
Exclusive Patron-only 24x36 poster - not available anywhere else!
Customized VIP gift basket
1-on-1 live chat with us each month - ask us whatever you want! Just you and us.
We’ve created five unique membership levels for you to choose from!
Ranging from $5 to $100 a month, any and all support in this time is appreciated!
$5 A Month!
Access to our Patreon community
Early viewing of our music videos
Your name in the credits of all of our music videos
A monthly live Zoom hangout
$10 A Month!
Access to exclusive behind-the-scenes videos not available anywhere else!
$25 A Month!
33% off all our merchandise
An exclusive, autographed 24x36 poster
#S3Crew VIP
$50 A Month!
A one-time, customized VIP gift box just for you!
(Limited Amount!)
$100 A Month!
A 1-on-1, exclusive chat with us every month!